Le Pen

Le Pen is a Breton surname (meaning 'the head', 'the chief' or 'the peninsula'). Notable people with the name include:

  • Le Pen family, the political family of France under patriarch Jean-Marie Le Pen
    • Jean-Marie Le Pen (born 1928), French politician, founder of the National Front party
    • Marine Le Pen (born 1968), French politician, daughter of Jean-Marie and leader of the National Rally party
    • Marion Maréchal-Le Pen (born 1989), French politician, granddaughter of Jean-Marie and niece of Marine
  • Maurice Jules-Marie Le Pen (1889-1919) French airplane designer, designer of the Levy-Le Pen
  • Ulrich Le Pen (born 1974), French football player

See also

  • Pen (disambiguation)
Surname list
This page lists people with the surname Le Pen.
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